About Us

A third of our lives is spent in bed – which we think is great! Sleep is a vital part of our physical and mental wellbeing. Your bed is your happy place. Your comfort zone. Where the monsters and worries and stresses can’t get to you, because you’re snuggled up safe and cozy.

What’s not so great? Having to make and re-make that bed every morning. Maybe it’s the right thing to do, but that doesn’t make it any more fun. And sometimes it’s a real struggle that you just don’t have the time for. But that doesn’t mean you deserve to come home to a messy bed with tangled sheets – it means you need to simplify your life! Modern living is all about streamlining, de-stressing, and uncluttering, and so are we.

We make simple, high quality, functional bedding to make your bed routine simpler and your sleep easier. You are our highest priority, and every decision we make as a company reflects that. Our family-owned business makes one thing and one thing only: The Button Sheet. Designed in the USA with a focus on affordability without sacrificing quality, The Button Sheet is the culmination of our family journey to bring innovative, life-changing, high-quality products to as many people as possible.

We are committed to providing the most functional bedsheet products using the highest-quality materials and construction. The Button Sheet is Oeko-Tex certified, which means it is guaranteed free of harmful chemicals and substances. Every sheet is made from 100% long staple cotton.

Most importantly, though, they’re buttoned together at the foot of the bed with a specially designed cuff link button, no struggling with tangled sheets throughout the night, no wasting time getting the bed made in the morning. Tired of sheets coming off the end of the mattress? Exhausted by the thought of re-making that bed, again? The Button Sheet has you covered! This is what the future of bedding looks like: easy, comfortable, functional, durable, non-toxic, and tailor-made for your lifestyle.

Bring your bedding into the 21st century with The Button Sheet, and help us change the way the world makes its bed.